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How does a solar panel work?

Photovoltaic solar panels capture solar radiation and take advantage of the \"photovoltaic effect\" discovered by Edmond Becquerel more than a century ago.

A solar cell consists of a layer of silicon and phosphor that provides a negative charge and another layer of boron that provides a positive charge. In this way, the solar cell has two charges and thus can generate electricity. If there are no two opposite charges, it is impossible to generate electricity.

To summarize, a photovoltaic panel is constructed of an excess of negatively charged electron semiconductor material, and positive cells are loaded into another semiconductor that is missing electrons that are exposed to sunlight while absorbing photons. By doing so, a current is initiated that allows the remaining electrons to move from their atomic trajectory and into the electric field generated by the solar panel.

All photovoltaic cells work together and produce directional current, since the inverter can be used in the home.