Zonnebaan 33 B (3542 EB) Utrecht,The Netherlands - Hotline: 0031-625582688

About Us

    SOLMAX NEW ENERGY is a company that focused on the solar products development and integration.The SOLARFAM brand sales company is based on the solar panels factory,solar inverters factory,solar batteries factory and solar water pump factory.

    SOLMAX NEW ENERGY provides with goods quality, affordable products , and the system solution to the customer.

    SOLMAX NEW ENERGY is focused on providing a plenty of product  inventory, convenient  delivery service and product purchase experience to nearby customers. Serving customers with the life experience of applying new energy products brought by SOLAR FARM brand products.

    SOLMAX NEW ENERGY's SOLARFAM series of brand products not only provide the most basic system of life and electricity for caravan and yacht users, but also provide small solar power plants for areas where the power grid is not available.

    SOLMAX NEW ENERGY's SOLARFAM series of brand products can provide convenient micro-grid system solutions for customers in the grid coverage area, providing DIY users with comprehensive solutions and bringing hands-on experience.

    SOLMAX NEW ENERGY's SOLARFAM series of products can also provide extremely convenient solar pumping system products and solutions for your swimming pool, agricultural irrigation and daily life.

    SOLMAX NEW ENERGY serves the business customers and creates value for customers.






Address : Goudstraat 65, 2718RD Zoetermeer, The Netherlands


Phone : 0031-625582688


Email : info@solarfam.nl